Ќерката на познат американски рапер загина во сообраќајка

Ќерката на познатиот американски рапер Ерик Биџеј, Ерика Суприм Бариер, загина во сообраќајка во понеделникот вечерта во САД. Според наводите на полициските извештаи, возилото со кое таа управувала и застанало на автопат, а во тој момент на неа налетал камион кој не успеал да збави.

Возачот на камионот не е повредн, додека Ерика загинала на кратко време откако била пренесена во болница. Веста ја потврди татко ѝ, раперот Ерик, кој со порака на социјалните мрежи се прости од својата ќерка.


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It is with profound sadness and disbelief that we announce the untimely passing of our beloved Erica Supreme Barrier on Monday 3-16-2020 at 6:18pm EST, states Alvina Alston, Eric B’s Publicist. “She fought a valiant fight, however we TRUST GOD & HIS ultimate decision to bring her home. We want to sincerely thank everyone from around the world for the outpouring of support and love during this difficult time. Please continue to keep our family in prayer as we now prepare to lay Erica to rest. This was an unfortunate vehicular accident that claimed her life however, and it’s also crucial that we pray for the other driver involved. Our hearts also go out to him and his family as we hold no ill will in our hearts for those involved. Again, we accept GOD’s will and want to sincerely thank the good samaritans, first responders and impeccable medical staff who cared for our daughter at Hartford Hospital, Hartford CT.” Says Eric B. For exclusive photos and up-to-the-minute details, visit https://www.facebook.com/sister2sister2.0/. Media Contact: Aurora Gordon, [email protected] . About Sister2Sister2.0 Sister 2 Sister 2.0 is the rebranding of the ground-breaking Black celebrity magazine, Sister2Sister, published by Jamie Foster-Brown in 1988. A-listers like, Jamie Fox, Oprah, Gabrielle Union, Tyler Perry, Steve Harvey, Lil Wayne, Floyd Mayweather, debuted on Sister2Sister covers before they were on the public’s radar. Foster-Brown is a tour-de-force in celebrity lifestyles and an established journalists who’s interviewed legends like Dick Clark and Michael Jackson, plus powerhouses. Michelle Obama, Beyonce and Gayle King, to name a few. @moremediahits @therealdjericb #sister2sister2.0 #prayersneeded #prayers🙏🏾 #condonlences #ericb #lovingdaughter❤ #gonebutneverforgotten @therealsister2sister2.0 @madina_milana #madina_milana @revoltTV #revoltTV #Gia_casey @gia_casey #djenvy @djenvy #breakfastclubam Breakfast Club Angelayee #angelayee Rickey Smiley #hiphop

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„Сакаме на сите искрено да ви се заблагодариме за поддршката и љубовта во овие тешки времиња. Ве молам да продолжите да се молите додека не се подготвиме за погребот на Ерика. Се молиме и за другиот возач. Нашите срца се со него и неговото семејство, затоа што ние во нашите срца немаме злоба. Ја прифаќаме божјата волја и сакаме да им се заблагодариме на лекарите и беспрекорниот медицински персонал, кој се грижеше за нашата ќерка во болницата“, порача Ерик.



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It is with profound sadness and disbelief that we announce the untimely passing of our beloved Erica Supreme Barrier on Monday 3-16-2020 at 6:18pm EST, states Alvina Alston, Eric B’s Publicist. “She fought a valiant fight, however we TRUST GOD & HIS ultimate decision to bring her home. We want to sincerely thank everyone from around the world for the outpouring of support and love during this difficult time. Please continue to keep our family in prayer as we now prepare to lay Erica to rest. This was an unfortunate vehicular accident that claimed her life however, and it’s also crucial that we pray for the other driver involved. Our hearts also go out to him and his family as we hold no ill will in our hearts for those involved. Again, we accept GOD’s will and want to sincerely thank the good samaritans, first responders and impeccable medical staff who cared for our daughter at Hartford Hospital, Hartford CT.” Says Eric B. For exclusive photos and up-to-the-minute details, visit https://www.facebook.com/sister2sister2.0/. Media Contact: Aurora Gordon, [email protected] . About Sister2Sister2.0 Sister 2 Sister 2.0 is the rebranding of the ground-breaking Black celebrity magazine, Sister2Sister, published by Jamie Foster-Brown in 1988. A-listers like, Jamie Fox, Oprah, Gabrielle Union, Tyler Perry, Steve Harvey, Lil Wayne, Floyd Mayweather, debuted on Sister2Sister covers before they were on the public’s radar. Foster-Brown is a tour-de-force in celebrity lifestyles and an established journalists who’s interviewed legends like Dick Clark and Michael Jackson, plus powerhouses. Michelle Obama, Beyonce and Gayle King, to name a few. A revamped multi-media platform to launch mid-2020. @moremediahits @therealdjericb #sister2sister2.0 #prayersneeded #prayers🙏🏾 #condonlences #ericb #lovingdaughter❤️ #gonebutneverforgotten

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