ВИДЕО: Погледнете како плус сајз манекенка, го „уништи“ мажот кој ја навредуваше во авион

„Плус сајсз“ моделот Натали Хејџ доживеа непријатност додека патувала со авион поради, непознатиот маж кој седел до неа.

„Штом седнав, господинот до мене почна гласно да издишува, смешкајќи и вртејќи со крупните очи. Видов како бесно типка на мобилниот пишувајќи порака. Потоа го погледнав штом почна повторно да типка. Пораките беа за мене, и речиси сум сигурна дека ме сликаше. Не само што беа од мене, туку беа и многу грозни, а приметив дека некоја под името „Линда“ одговараше со еднакво грозни коментари. Некој кој воопшто не може ни да ја види ситуацијата… Во една порака стои: ‘Се надевам дека не јадела мексиканска храна’, на што следеше одговор: ‘Мислам дека изела Мексиканец’.

“Продолжи да пишува како остава траги на вратата на прозорот, затоа што нема место од мене. Намерно ги рашири рацете и лактовите на двата наслони, за да почне да се турка, и да навлегува во мојот простор“, напишала девојката на Инстаграм.

i’m shaking right now. i’m on a flight to LA right now on @americanair. i paid almost $70 extra for this seat i’m in because i know i need a little extra leg room. i’m extremely flight anxious but there were only middle seats available so i had to take what i could get. as soon as i sat down, the gentleman on my left began LOUDLY huffing, sighing, and readjusting himself in his seat. i see him furiously texting and then purposefully turning the phone away from me. so, naturally next time he texts, i take a look. the texts were about me and i’m almost positive he took photos of me. not only were the texts about me, but they were really mean and ugly, with even the recipient named ‘linda’ chiming back with shaming retorts…someone who can’t even see the situation. if you can’t read the texts, it says ‘hopefully she didn’t have any mexican food’ and his response is ‘i think she ate a mexican’. then he proceeds to say he’s leaving a ‘neck mark on the window’ because he’s so smashed against the wall. from the photos, you can see i’m not in his space. he’s even taken over both arm rests on purpose, coming to my space and digging his elbows into my side…which is in my seat. his next text to her was ‘if the news reports a DFW airbus a321 leaving the runway without rotating, that would be my flight.’ another i see later? ‘if these seats don’t hold, it’s not going to matter.’ and that’s just a few of them. there were several more. i didn’t do anything to him. i’m in my seat, completely (see photos). i am crumpled into a ball trying to not bother. i’m just so upset. i asked the other man to my right if he’d switch me and told him what the man was saying about me and he said laughed and refused. that’s fine, it’s not his issue. this is a fat person’s daily reality and not just on a plane. this is on a bus, standing in line at the grocery store, at a concert, on the internet. you can be completely in your own space, not bothering anyone, and people will still fuck with you and try to hurt you. all you can do is know you haven’t done anything wrong just by existing and to move on. this just makes me a mixture of enraged and super sad.

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i don’t feel much like ‘myself’ lately. it’s the same story as it has been since august – full time school plus an intense job plus social life equals a very tired and very worn out natalie. but, i’m making it. i will hopefully graduate in december and be able to check that goal off the bucket list. i am so proud of myself for kicking ass and i’m so thankful for loved ones around me who tell me when to stop whining and also know exactly when to let me whine. i am eternally excited and grateful for opportunities that my social media has granted me, including having over 107,000 people that give a shit about me. it’s really unique to have this kind of support through the tiring times and i can’t thank y’all enough. enough of the bummer talk – isn’t this set cute? top is from @targetstyle and bottoms are @forever21plus. they look like they were made for each other. ❤️also – how do you self-care when you’re burnt out? how do you get outta that funk?

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„Тоа толку ме разгневува и ме растажи, а тоа е секојдневница на лицата со прекумерна тежина“, заклучи таа. Сепак, по некое време, Натали повеќе не можела да молчи, па му плеснала во лице, се што и лежи на душа, а снимката ја објавила на Фејсбук.

Откако почнал да и објаснува дека таа не ни требала да седи на тоа место, затоа што во случај на опасност, не би можела да стане, и дека ќе ги загрози и другите луѓе, Натали му објаснила дека вежба пет пати неделно, дека е модел и дека има војска на пријатели на социјалните мрежи и дека тој на темел на големината на нејзиното тело не може да знае ама баш ништо.

there’s a LOT more of you following my page than there was a few days ago. to you, i say HI! welcome to my weird little life. with a lot of new people comes a lot more comment traffic and in turn, a LOT of new, hateful people that come to say terrible things on my photos who don’t know me as a person in the slightest. they don’t know that i started a new job eight months ago and have rocked it since i began and recently got a cool new position because of it. they don’t know that i’m a (more than) full time student on top of working full time. they don’t know that i have a beautiful boyfriend. they don’t know that i have a ton of perfect friends who love me. they don’t know that i have an eating disorder. they don’t know that i’m a really good singer. they don’t know i’m a kind person. they don’t know i have PCOS (its genetic and doesn’t just affect fat people). they don’t know that i’m really good at trivia. they don’t know that i’m a good dancer. they don’t know that my doctor can’t stop praising how healthy i am and is proud of how i take care of my fat body. they don’t know anything about me and they don’t care. they see my body and assume a billion things about me. concern trolls do not care about my health. they care about my fat. i don’t need you to worry about me, i’m doing damn good in life. also, even if i was ‘unhealthy’, that isn’t an invitation for cruelty. if after knowing ALL this about me you just can’t help yourself but to be a dick, you can take several seats and watch me continue to kick life’s ass.

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it’s been a dang good day, y’all. ❤️ suit by @adoreme.

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