(Фото) Сандра Булок подмладена со новата фризура

Актерката Сандра Булок малку експриментирала со својот изглед и се одлучила за мало освежување. Модните критичари велат дека иако не станува збор за драстична промена, сепак малото скратување на косата до рамењата со осветлени прамени во стилот „лонг боб“ значително ја имаат подмладено актерката.

За многумина Булок претставува една од омилените глумици од ерата на 90-те години. Многумина ја вбројуваат меѓу најубавите филмски актерки во филмската индустрија, пред се поради нејзината непосредност, шарм и природен изглед.

Таа е една од ретките која се нашла под ножот на естетските хирурзи. Позната е по тоа што останува секогаш верна на практично истиот изглед, а тоа е рамната темна кафеава коса во комбинација со блага шминка на лицето.

EXCLUSIVE: Sandra Bullock and her children, Louis and Laila, are accompanied by ‘boyfriend’ Bryan Randall and her bodyguard through Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans, Louisiana. The family was in town celebrating Mardi Gras and could be seen leaving together, looking happy, with Laila holding what looks like a Mardi Gras ‘Zulu’ parade traditional coconut prize. Louis could be seen wearing a New Orleans Saints hat and Laila wore a pink faux sheep-skin coat and unicorn backpack. Some reports have suggested the actress and the photographer quietly tied the knot around 10 months ago, but are hiding their marriage from the public. Randall is seen wearing a band on his wedding finger..
05 Mar 2019, Image: 417495944, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Sandra Bullock and her children, Louis and Laila, are accompanied by ‘boyfriend’ Bryan Randall and her bodyguard through Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans, Louisiana. The family was in town celebrating Mardi Gras and could be seen leaving together, looking happy, with Laila holding what looks like a Mardi Gras ‘Zulu’ parade traditional coconut prize. Louis could be seen wearing a New Orleans Saints hat and Laila wore a pink faux sheep-skin coat and unicorn backpack. Some reports have suggested the actress and the photographer quietly tied the knot around 10 months ago, but are hiding their marriage from the public. Randall is seen wearing a band on his wedding finger..
05 Mar 2019, Image: 417495925, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency
EXCLUSIVE: Sandra Bullock and her children, Louis and Laila, are accompanied by ‘boyfriend’ Bryan Randall and her bodyguard through Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans, Louisiana. The family was in town celebrating Mardi Gras and could be seen leaving together, looking happy, with Laila holding what looks like a Mardi Gras ‘Zulu’ parade traditional coconut prize. Louis could be seen wearing a New Orleans Saints hat and Laila wore a pink faux sheep-skin coat and unicorn backpack. Some reports have suggested the actress and the photographer quietly tied the knot around 10 months ago, but are hiding their marriage from the public. Randall is seen wearing a band on his wedding finger..
05 Mar 2019, Image: 417495361, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: World Rights, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Mega Agency


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