(Видео) Мајк Тајсон со џоинт го потпиша договорот за борба со Рој Џонс

Легендарниот боксер и поранешен светски шампион Мајк Тајсон со џоинт во устата го потпиша договорот за борба со Рој Џонс. „Железниот Мајк“ повторно ќе се врати во рингот на 12 септември каде ќе боксува во Лос Анџелс во егзибициски дуел од осум рунди.

Датумот и местото беа претходно потврдени и се чекаше само согласност од боскерите. Тајсон се повлече од боксот во 2005 година, додека Џонс џуниор беше активен до 2018 година.

Железниот Мајк во 2016 година ја покрена компанијата „Тајсон Холистик“ која продава продукти од марихуана во Калифорнија, каде што тоа е легално, и заработува околу половина милион фунти неделно.


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It’s Official!!! MIKE TYSON I’M FIGHTING ROY JONES JR. … 8-Round Exhibition!!! The 54-year-old boxing legend has been training his ass off to get back in the ring … and now, we’ve learned his first opponent is one of the greatest fighters EVER! “Iron” Mike will take on Roy Jones Jr. on Sept. 12 in an 8-round exhibition being called Frontline Battle — available on Pay-per-view and on the social media platform, Triller. Mike Tyson/Weibo/AP We’re told the fight will take place in California — and will be sanctioned by the California State Athletic Commission. The event will include an undercard and live musical performances from top artists — and since Triller is backed by big stars like Snoop, Lil Wayne, Future, The Weeknd, Pitbull, Marshmello and more — the entertainment should be pretty solid! FYI, Triller is a rapidly growing social media platform that’s gunning to take over the TikTok crowd — and while it’s previously focused on music (including partnerships with major labels) it’s now making a concentrated foray into live events including sports. Tyson has been talking about a comeback for months and got some massive offers — so, we’re guessing Triller shelled out some big bucks to land the rights to his first comeback fight. There’s more … we’ve also learned Triller locked up the rights to a 10-part docuseries featuring Mike and Roy preparing for their fight … with 2 episodes dropping every week until fight night, streaming on the platform. As for the combatants, RJJ is 51 — and held titles in 4 different weight classes … middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight. Roy most recently fought in Feb. 2018 — but he’s been training constantly and feels he can compete with Tyson. Of course, Tyson hasn’t had a pro fight since June 2005 … and battled substance abuse and weight issues after he stepped away. But now, Tyson says he’s made health and fitness a priority again — and wants to get back into the ring to help raise money for charity.

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